Baystate Children’s Hospital, housed within Baystate Medical Center, is the leading provider of general and specialty pediatric services in western Massachusetts, providing advanced medical care to babies, children, and adolescents in an environment that focuses exclusively on the needs of children and families. The 110-bed facility provides complete critical care programs, including the region’s only Pediatric Intensive Care and Neonatal Intensive Care Units, as well as pediatric inpatient services, child life specialists, a designated emergency room just for kids, and outpatient specialty services. In December 2012, Baystate Health opened the Sadowsky Family Pediatric Emergency Department. Staffed with board certified pediatric emergency specialists, the department includes a separate triage and waiting area, 18 dedicated treatment rooms, dedicated children’s imaging, assessment, and resuscitation areas, as well as a staff of child life specialists. In 2014, the Baystate Children’s Specialty Center opened, bringing 15 pediatric specialty services under one roof, focused on care coordination, comfort and convenience for children and families. At the end of 2017, Baystate opened a Pediatric Procedures & Infusion Unit bringing cancer treatment and other procedures together in a new environment, just steps away from its pediatric inpatient facilities.
Springfield MA 01199
United States